Our History

Our History
Students of the Amazing Grace School

"Adom" means "grace" in the Akan language of Ghana. For over 30 years Ghanaian and American Christians have supported Rev. Prof. J.O.Y. Mante, PhD and Mama Florence Mante in the work of the Amazing Grace School in Deduako, Ghana. This collaboration led to the founding of Adom Partnership International (API), a 501c3 non-profit, in 2002.

As faith-based partners of both the Adom Foundation and Amazing Grace School, our shared mission is to lift up the children of Ghana through education, spiritual formation, health, and nutrition. In doing so, we all experience the grace and hope of the God who sees us and loves us. We believe that the children of Ghana are the future leaders who will bring God's hope and transformation to their communities, nation, and the world.

Amazing Grace School

Watch this narrative of how the Amazing Grace School started

In the 1990's, the Mantes lived in Southern California while Osofo J.O.Y. Mante completed his doctoral studies. During this time, they attended First Presbyterian Church of Pomona, where they shared their dream to start a school near their hometown in Ghana. God gave them a vision to break cycles of poverty through holistic Christian education that would empower children and their families.

Close friendships formed between the Mantes and church members, such as Ruth McClure and Ann Bittner, who supported and greatly encouraged them in their vision. They also connected with teams of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship students holding retreats at the church. Inspired by their dream for Ghana, InterVarsity leaders Lisa Engdahl and Jon Ball developed close ministry partnerships with the Mantes that have lasted to this day.

Upon returning to Ghana, the Mantes established the Amazing Grace School in 1994. It has flourished under their leadership ever since. Governed by the Ghanaian-led Adom Foundation, the school serves pre-kindergarten through 8th grade children. Today, it educates over 300 students from impoverished backgrounds who would typically lack access to quality education. Through God's amazing grace, the school is creating a loving place for children to thrive and discover their potential.

Adom Partnership International

Adom Partnership International is a non-profit organization focused on building meaningful relationships and community with our partners in Ghana. We are committed to sending teams to Ghana to experience its vibrant culture, which is characterized by joy, celebration, and a spirit of sharing both the challenges and blessings of life together. Our mission is to improve the lives of Ghanaian children and families while also strengthening our own faith in God and learning from the wisdom and leadership of our Ghanaian partners. Through partnership we seek mutual transformation for ourselves and our communities.

“You cannot help everybody, but you can definitely HELP SOMEBODY”

- Rev. Prof. J.O.Y. Mante, PhD

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